Foreign investment into the Australian agricultural sector

Published Date: 18 Apr 2024


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Foreign investment is an increasingly attractive alternative for Australian farmers seeking additional capital, know-how or access to markets to grow their business, or for those seeking an exit strategy. This session will cover a number of the tax and commercial issues that may arise in those circumstances. We will also cover a surprisingly common situation where farmers and their advisors find their existing ownership structure to be ‘accidentally foreign’, and what can be done to manage that issue. Specific topics addressed include:

  • FIRB – fees, application process and conditions, and their impact on the target entity
  • Transfer duty considerations
  • Land tax implications; and
  • Practical guidance for implementation (tips and tricks).


  • Published By: Duncan Bedford ATI
  • Published On:18 Apr 2024
  • Took place at:Stamford Plaza Brisbane

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