Get involved

Volunteer participation and engagement has been at the core of the Institute since its foundation – it goes to the heart of who we are.



We invite you to get involved by...

Joining one of our dedicated technical committees

Our committees are vital to achieving our vision of a strong, informed and engaged tax community. We are always looking for new perspectives and fresh ideas.


Developing expert resources and thought leadership

When our members share their expertise, our entire community becomes stronger. Working with our Publishing and Tax Policy and Advocacy teams, you'll be contributing to a shared knowledge-base that keep our profession vibrant.


Helping us educate tax professionals at all levels

Including structured programs and single subjects, The Tax Institute Higher Education supports lifelong learning in tax.


Contributing to leading CPD events and valuable member engagement

The Tax Institute offers a broad range of events and opportunities across Australia. Our events are where the profession comes together to learn, connect and excel.



As a member, we encourage you to get involved and experience the goodness that comes with being part of our volunteer community.

Purpose ~ Educate ~ Opportunity ~ Passion ~ Legacy ~ Engage

People make the magic happen – volunteer with us today