This event covered the following:
- Hearing from the ATO in relation to the development and execution of the ATO's transfer pricing strategy, the role of the Economist Practice and the draft PCG on intangibles
- A panel discussion involving legal and accounting specialists involved in transfer pricing cases
- Looking at the latest international developments in relation to the OECD/G20's work on Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 and future trends in tax transparency and what it means for MNE groups
- Rethinking past approaches in relation to transfer pricing dispute resolution and dealing with financial transactions
- Practical insights from corporate Australia in dealing with the ATO's justified trust program and the evolving nature of the in-house transfer pricing function
- Technical sessions addressing characterisation issues in a transfer pricing context, the intersection of transfer pricing and Part IVA, customs duty and transfer pricing and the ever-expanding definition of a SGE.