International Tax Series - Part 6: Takeover: Sale to a multinational

Source: New South Wales

Published Date: 11 Nov 2020

Mask 'R' Us has received an approach to sell the entire business to a multinational enterprise Mega Corp. Jane and Judy now seek advice on the key tax considerations on exit.
  • sale of whole business vs foreign subsidiaries? Where is the value, IP etc
  • exit event - CGT discount if sold at AusCo level and consideration of flow through trust consequences
  • if sell at US HoldCo level, potential for no Australian CGT (768-G), but unfranked earnings sitting in vendor AusCo
  • consider AusCo implications of retaining Australian business and IP vs selling Australian business
  • comparison of overall Australian individual tax outcomes under sale of AusCo or US HoldCo
  • if ForeignCo acquires AusCo, how do conduit foreign income rules operate for repatriation of ongoing profits, plus Taxable Australian Property (and potential withholding tax considerations) on subsequent exit.


  • Published On:11 Nov 2020
  • Took place at:Online

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