Regional Tax Masterclass Part 5: Keeping it in the family - Family law considerations

Source: National

Published Date: 20 Jul 2020

Two years later, and, as Dad predicted, his daughter's relationship is over plus one of his sons has announced his separation. Their respective spouses are seeking claim over the assets.

This session provided an overview of how families can resolve the legal aspects that follow the breakdown of their relationship. With a focus on the particular challenges facing families living in regional and rural areas, we explore how the interaction of family and taxation laws may affect your clients, including:

  • a general overview of the family law process
  • how the Family Courts decide property settlements, including with respect to property owned by trusts and inherited property
  • is there a discrete class of "farming cases'?
  • minority interests
  • taxation debt substitution (Tomaras)
  • Ss109J, 126-5 and 126-15 of the Taxation Act
  • consent orders v Binding Financial Agreements.


  • Published On:20 Jul 2020
  • Took place at:Online

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