2011 Financial Services Taxation Conference

Source: National

Published Date: 10 Feb 2011

Australia has reached a pivotal moment in the history of financial services in this region and its growth prospects reflect the growing importance of the Asia-Pacific region in the global political and economic landscape.

Australia is also coming to grips with the potential impacts of life under a minority government and continuing global regulatory change. With a number of major tax reform initiatives at play and promised, chief financial officers, directors and heads of tax need to stay on top of developments and engage in the process to influence policy outcomes and take advantage of the expected regional growth.

This event was designed to draw out some of the most important taxation issues that will be integral to "charting the future"? in today's financial services environment. Also discussed was the progress and next steps required to position Australia as a leading financial services centre in the region.

Uncertain tax positions

Author(s): Paul Mccartin CTA
Materials from this session:

Inbound asset management/Inbound private equity

Author(s): Kar Mei Tang , Brian Lane , Ian Scott CTA

TOFA - Where are we at?

Author(s): Tony Frost , Betsy Rumble

Consolidation developments: The use of "tax cost setting amount" - The never-ending saga

Author(s): Ken Spence CTA-Life , Andrew De Wijn

Recent tax developments and what they mean for property funds management

Author(s): Joe Galea

Controlled foreign companies - A modern approach

Author(s): Richard Shaddick

Never ending tax reform and financial services

Author(s): Richard J Vann CTA

Aspects of cross border tax information gathering and sharing

Author(s): David Lynch

Transfer pricing post GFC

Author(s): Liz Tromans CTA

Asia-Pacific developments - Progress in making Australia a financial services centre

Author(s): Geoff Weir , Alf Capito

Domestic and outbound asset management

Author(s): Ken Woo CTA

Information sharing and cross border tax compliance

Author(s): Jan Farrell

OBU reform

Author(s): Stephen Southon
Materials from this session:

The journey of Part IVA

Author(s): Mark L Robertson

Economic impact of tax

Author(s): Jodie Patron
Materials from this session:

OBU reform

Author(s): William Potts
Materials from this session:


  • Published On:10 Feb 2011
  • Took place at:Hyatt Regency, Coolum

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This material is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study., research, critisism or review, as permitted under teh copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from The Tax Institute.

Unless expressly stated, opininons are not that of The Tax Institute, which accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the information contained within it.



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