Tax Issues and Concessions for Inbound Expats

Source: New South Wales

Published Date: 14 Nov 2006

This seminar series was held in:
- Parramatta on 9 November 2006
- Sydney on 14 November 2006.

Many industries are facing increasing difficulties attracting skilled workers. One solution that has often been placed in the "too hard basket' - employing foreign workers - is becoming more common, aided by recent legislative changes making this much easier, and broadening the already generous tax concessions available. There are a multitude of tax issues for inbound expatriates to consider, and this can seem very daunting for the employees, businesses and their advisers. However, many business owners and managers are starting to see that with some careful attention and planning they can achieve significant benefits for both the business and the expatriate employees.

November tax update

Author(s): Kamlee Coorey CTA
Materials from this session:

Tax issues for inbound expats

Author(s): Peter Bembrick CTA
Materials from this session:


  • Published On:14 Nov 2006
  • Took place at:The Crowne Plaza, Parramatta, and The Menzies Hotel, Sydney

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