Trading stock & capital expenditures

Shot of a young man using a digital tablet while working in a warehouse
Unit details

Level:   Professional 

Estimated learning duration:   10 hours

 CPD:   10 hours

Assessment:   Part 1: 20 multiple choice questions within 60 minutes. 75% pass mark.
2 attempts permitted.

Part 2: 6 scenario-based multiple choice questions within 45 minutes. 80% pass mark.
2 attempts permitted.

Assumed knowledge:   An understanding of the taxation of income and income tax deductions in particular will be beneficial before undertaking this unit.

These topics are covered in the Taxation of income and Income tax deductions units respectively.



Learning outcomes:

  • Determine the income taxation treatment of holding and disposing of trading stock.
  • Determine the income taxation treatment of holding and disposing of non-primary depreciating assets.
  • Calculate the income tax deduction available to a taxpayer for blackhole expenditure.
  • Calculate the income tax deduction available to a taxpayer for capital works costs.