
Former ATO heavyweight Andrew Mills to take the stage at The Tax Summit this week

SYDNEY, 18 October 2022: The Tax Institute is thrilled to welcome former ATO Second Commissioner, Andrew Mills, CTA (Life) to the stage at The Tax Summit this week, where he will deliver the Justice Hill Memorial Lecture.

Ahead of the Federal Budget on 25th October, Mills provides an important policy perspective on our tax system and how Treasury and the ATO can improve it through reform. Mills is currently serving as Chair of the Financial Reporting Council, a body responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of the financial reporting framework in Australia.

Mills also has a long history with the Institute, including serving as President in 2006– 2007. He was previously an Executive Director at the Institute and spearheaded our major report, the Case for Change, which detailed in-depth the need and options for comprehensive reform of the Australian tax system.

He will draw on his extensive experience with tax law, policy and reform in his address to the Summit.

‘The tax system and the practitioners who work with it have always been instrumental in the economic welfare of our country. When the tax and transfer systems function correctly, it allows for productive growth in our economy, innovation in business, social wellbeing and better quality of life for everyone. The importance of a balanced, fair tax system that works for people cannot be understated,’ Mills says.

‘Experience has shown we can’t rely on political willpower to create meaningful change in our tax system. I plan to outline ways that trust, technology and common sense can drive the reform discussion forward instead.’

‘I’m looking forward to being part of this incredible event, and to seeing my colleagues in the tax profession all in one place.’

Mills joins other heavy hitters, including former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull AC and Independent MP Allegra Spender at The Tax Summit. While Mills provides an expert voice on reform from a tax policy perspective, Turnbull will share his insights on our current economic climate and outlook, while Spender will be advocating for a wide-ranging parliamentary review on our tax system.

About Andrew Mills, CTA (Life)

Andrew Mills, CTA (Life) has over 40 years’ experience in the tax profession including periods in the ATO, commerce and the tax profession. He is currently Chair of the Financial Reporting Council.

From 2020 – 2022, Mills was Executive Director at The Tax Institute and drove a strong focus on tax reform. As the ATO Second Commissioner from 2014 - 2019, Mills had overall responsibility for the ATO’s law practice, including law interpretation, dispute prevention and resolution and the ATO’s role in policy and law design. He was a Director at Greenwoods & Freehills for more than 20 years and managing director of the firm from 2006 to 2011. Mills was President of The Tax Institute in 2006– 2007 and is a former Governor of the Taxation Research Foundation. In practice, Mills was an advisor to a number of Board of Tax reviews. He holds a Bachelor of Business, a Master of Laws and a Graduate Diploma in Tax Law. He is a Chartered Taxation Adviser (Life), a member of the Australian Executive of the International Fiscal Association, on the Advisory Boards of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at the ANU and of the Melbourne Law School Tax program, a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia.

  • Summit

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