Showcasing skills, building trust: the role of digital badges

Published: 4 Jun 2024


Dr Julianne Jacques accepts the Tax Adviser of the Year Award, 2020

In today's constantly evolving professional landscape, it’s essential to empower your tax team with the tools they need to gain and demonstrate their skills swiftly. Embracing modern ways to upskill your team, such as the micro-credential learning offered by Tax Academy, provides a strategic advantage in nurturing and subsequently showcasing your team's expertise through the use of digital badges.


What are digital badges?

Digital badges are tangible endorsements of mastery in specific skills or subject areas that can be seamlessly integrated into CVs, social media profiles, email signatures and websites. They have embedded metadata that allows anyone who clicks on it to view who the badge was awarded to, the criteria for issuing, and the issue and expiration dates.

Think of them as certificates you can display online – if you frequent LinkedIn, you will likely have seen many!


How digital badges benefit your team's career advancement

Establish trust and credibility
Digital badges issued by Tax Academy are enriched with metadata and offer instant authentication of the learning. This mechanism bolsters the credibility of your team's expertise, fostering trust among clients and peers.

Demonstrate a growth mindset
Encourage a culture of continuous learning by leveraging digital badges to illustrate your team's ongoing skill development, currency of knowledge and forward-thinking approach to career advancement.

Highlight specific skills and specialities
By showcasing digital badges for completing micro-credentialed units, team members demonstrate specific skills and knowledge to showcase their suitability for new roles or promotions, facilitating career growth within your organisation.


How to obtain digital badges for your team

The Tax Institute, in collaboration with Credly, facilitates the creation and distribution of digital badges in acknowledgement of skills and knowledge acquired by the successful completion of a Tax Academy unit. Once a team member has successfully completed a unit, they can easily claim their complimentary badge by registering on Credly's Acclaim platform. They can then showcase the achievement where they choose. With just a click, stakeholders can access information about the learning, including demonstrated knowledge, issue and expiry date, enhancing the visibility and recognition of your team's expertise.


Keen to learn more about micro-credential units with Tax Academy? Find out more about Tax Academy.