Unlocking expertise: navigating Australian superannuation with the Advanced Superannuation subject for tax professionals

Published: 5 Jun 2024


Dr Julianne Jacques accepts the Tax Adviser of the Year Award, 2020

As of September 2023, Australians had an astounding $3,541 billion in superannuation across more than 20 million accounts, according to data from The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA). Australia's superannuation industry is the third-largest private pension fund market globally, a testament to its significance in the financial landscape. As this sector continues to flourish, the demand for proficient and skilled tax advisers who specialise in superannuation is on the rise.

The Advanced Superannuation subject offered by The Tax Institute Higher Education is a crucial stepping stone for tax professionals aiming to deepen their understanding and navigate the intricacies of the significant Australian superannuation landscape. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, read on for details of the subject and some real-world applications.

Comprehensive curriculum

The advanced subject, integrated into the Graduate Diploma of Applied Tax Law and the Graduate Certificate in Applied Tax Advisory programs, provides 120 hours of structured CPD. Delivered through distance learning, participants engage with an online platform supported by pre-recorded webinars and personalised email support from a Convenor who is an expert in the field to maximise the success of candidates.

Key Modules:

  1. Types of Contributions: Covering a broad spectrum from self-employed contributions to overseas transfers and capital gains tax considerations, this module lays the groundwork for understanding various contribution types.
  2. Contribution Refund Provisions & Division 293 Tax: Delving into the refund of excess contributions and strategies to sustain superannuation contribution concessions, this module is crucial in managing contributions effectively.
  3. Employer Obligations: Focusing on reportable employer contributions and addressing other contribution-related issues, this module ensures tax professionals are well-versed in employer responsibilities.
  4. Contribution Strategies: Providing insights into managing excess contributions and developing effective contribution strategies, this module equips professionals with strategic tools.
  5. Taxation of Superannuation Funds: Covering aspects such as non-arm's length income and capital gains tax considerations, this module is pivotal in understanding the taxation landscape.
  6. Exempt Current Pension Income: Exploring segregated and unsegregated methods, this module delves into exemptions on the death of a member, providing a comprehensive view of pension income.
  7. Investment Provisions: From the acquisition of assets to limited recourse borrowing arrangements, this module addresses critical investment considerations.
  8. Benefits on Pre-Retirement and Retirement: Navigating topics like transition to retirement, salary sacrifice, and the transfer balance cap, this module prepares professionals for diverse retirement scenarios.
  9. Benefits on Death: Covering tax implications on insurance proceeds, superannuation and estate planning, and payment of superannuation death benefits, this module addresses a critical aspect of financial planning.
  10. Case Studies: This module ensures professionals can practically apply concepts to client situations by applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Real-world application

Renae Wilson, Technical Services Supervisor at Politis Investment Strategies in NSW, attests to the course's impact on her role as a financial planner. The Advanced Superannuation subject deepened her knowledge and provided new insights into areas such as death benefits, enriching her ability to assist clients in navigating the complexities of superannuation.

Natalie Metcalfe, Senior Analyst, Tax & Legal at Deloitte, selected Advanced Superannuation as an elective in her Graduate Diploma in Applied Tax Law. She found that the subject cemented her knowledge in superannuation as it covered topics including contributions, taxation of superannuation funds, exempt current pension income, investment provisions, pre-retirement and retirement, and benefits on death.

Assessment and prerequisites

Assessment in the form of module quizzes, a letter of advice, and a final exam ensures participants can practically apply their knowledge. Prerequisites include an Australian Degree or Diploma, the CTA1 Foundations, CTA2A Advanced, and CTA2B Advanced subjects (or equivalent), and 12 months of relevant Australian tax or tax law experience.

Mastering the superannuation landscape, elevating careers, and empowering professionals

Advanced Superannuation not only meets the rising demand for skilled professionals in Australia's superannuation sector, but also serves as a transformative experience for those seeking to excel in their roles. With its robust curriculum including use of case studies and real-world application, the subject is a cornerstone for tax professionals navigating the intricate Australian superannuation landscape. As the industry continues to evolve, the subject equips professionals not just with knowledge, but with the practical insights and strategic thinking needed to assist clients and to propel their careers forward.


Interested in studying with The Tax Institute Higher Education? Learn more here