Ingredients for success of a corporate turned tax professional

Written by: The Tax Institute

Published: 18 Sep 2024


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Jason Slaviero, Dux of CommLaw3 in Study Period 3, 2023. 


Dux of CommLaw3 in Study Period 3, 2023, Jason Slaviero has successfully blended his diverse career background with a passion for serving clients within the tax domain.

Charting a new course

Jason's foray into tax wasn't a conventional one. His extensive corporate career spanned the compliance, finance, and technology industries where the common thread was collaboration with small- to medium-sized enterprises. Jason explained he fostered “a deep appreciation for the intricacies of their operations”. Driven by a desire to contribute meaningfully, Jason entered a period of self-reflection to reassess his career trajectory, passions, and priorities. Deciding to embrace further education, he found his niche in taxation through a Diploma of Financial Services. Reflecting on his past, Jason remarks, "Looking back on my journey to date, I have certainly gone the long way around to get where I am."

Helping clients navigate tax challenges

For Jason, the most rewarding part of his role lies in alleviating the anxiety and stress that clients often face amidst tax complexities. Witnessing the change from uncertainty to confidence as clients gain clarity over their tax matters is a source of profound gratification for him.

CommLaw3: unveiling insights

Enrolling in CommLaw3 as part of the Tax Agent Program marked a significant milestone in Jason's educational journey. He explains the subject honed his deductive reasoning skills, crucial for navigating Australian tax legal frameworks. The logical flow of modules and the examination of case law equipped him with a structured framework to analyse legal principles and their application, enhancing his proficiency in deciphering tax complexities. Reflecting on his gained skills, Jason notes, “Undertaking this subject has honed my skill in deductive reasoning, which I've found to be invaluable in navigating the often-complex tax legal frameworks that I encounter.”

The exploration of real property and intellectual property modules, coupled with intriguing case law, offered Jason invaluable insights. Delving into topics distant from his everyday work provided a refreshing perspective, easing the study experience. Jason said, “I really enjoyed the real property and intellectual property modules and the associated case law as they can be quite engaging.”

Application in practice

The knowledge gleaned from CommLaw3 found practical application in Jason's professional endeavours. Financial law modules aided him in navigating regulatory frameworks, ensuring compliance with legal requirements. Insights from competition and consumer law modules empowered him to identify potential issues faced by clients, facilitating prompt referrals for legal advice. Moreover, sharpened deductive reasoning skills equipped him to tackle tax matters with clarity and confidence, offering clients informed guidance and solutions. Jason reflects on this application, stating, “The sharpening of deductive reasoning skills through this subject has been instrumental in deciphering the complexities of tax matters.”

The Tax Institute Higher Education experience

The calibre of course materials, comprising comprehensive notes, determinations, and case law, provided a robust understanding of tax principles. The professionalism and dedication of operational staff further distinguished the Institute, offering unparalleled support to students amidst their multifaceted commitments. Jason lauds the experience, stating, “Studying at The Tax Institute Higher Education has been a standout experience for me.”

Jason’s strategies for success

Balancing study, work, and family commitments demanded meticulous planning from Jason. Organisation became paramount, with meticulously scheduled weeks and comprehensive study notes ensuring optimal time management. Maintaining focus and discipline and realistic goal-setting facilitated steady progress through the course, culminating in his achievement as dux.

Embracing challenges

For tax professionals contemplating further study, Jason advocates embracing challenges with determination and perseverance. Acknowledging the inevitability of obstacles, he underscores resilience and persistence as essential ingredients for success. Just as he reminds his children daily that “we can do hard things,” Jason urges fellow professionals to embrace difficulties, fuelling a commitment to learning and growth, thereby unlocking new doors of opportunity.

Continuing the journey

Following a well-deserved break, Jason sets his sights on the CTA3 Advisory subject to earn the Chartered Tax Adviser designation.


Learn more about the CommLaw3 subject, the Tax Agent Program and the Chartered Tax Adviser Program.

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