Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA)

Charting new tax territory: Jessica Bagnall's story of continued professional growth

Written by: The Tax Institute

Published: 12 Jul 2024


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Jessica Bagnall, Dux of CTA2B Advanced in Study Period 3, 2023. 


Dux of CTA2B Advanced in Study Period 3, 2023, Jessica Bagnall, Associate in Private Business Tax & Advisory at Grant Thornton Brisbane, shares insights into her educational and professional trajectory.

Building the foundation

Jessica commenced her career path at Grant Thornton while pursuing a Bachelor of Business majoring in Accountancy at QUT. Her academic journey has been adorned with achievements, and she seamlessly transitioned into a full-time role post-graduation, crediting the organisation's supportive environment and focus on professional development.

Motivated by a desire to enhance her skills and theoretical understanding, Jessica embarked on the Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) program. Encouraged by Grant Thornton as part of her professional development journey, the CTA program aligned directly with her everyday responsibilities and is viewed as an important part of building the skills and theory needed to apply tax legislation in practice.

Application in practice

Dux of CTA1 Foundations in Study Period 1, 2023, Jessica “gained a strong foundation across multiple areas of tax including GST, FBT, individuals, trusts, companies and partnerships”. She credits the subject for giving her the base knowledge needed as an entrant to the accounting workforce. Acknowledging that some of the calculations she learned are not used daily, mainly due to the technology available, she appreciated this understanding to identify when there may be an issue with the software or to solve more abstract problems, scenarios, and client inquiries.

In CTA2B Advanced, Jessica “learned in detail about multiple more technical and specialised aspects of FBT, GST, Corporate Tax, International Tax, and Tax Planning and Anti-Avoidance.” She explained that this knowledge is used frequently in her work: “From the basics of what is assessable or deductible as applies to the majority of clients, to one specific little rule about partnerships that had a big tax impact on that client, these subjects have substantial applications to the client work I perform.”

The benefits of studying at The Tax Institute Higher Education

Reflecting on her learning journey, Jessica highlights The Tax Institute's range of resources, industry expert-led lectures, and up-to-date study materials. The relevance of course content, coupled with the support from knowledgeable course Convenors, distinguishes the educational experience at The Tax Institute, providing an environment conducive to professional growth.

Navigating work-study-life balance

Balancing full-time work, study, and personal commitments is no mean feat. Jessica's approach involves diligent weeknight lectures after work, leaving weekends for readings, activities, and quizzes. That way she is free on other weeknights and some of the weekend to catch up on social and other activities. Jessica explains; “Overall, I aim to stay up-to-date in the materials and assessments so when it is time to start revising for the exam, I am revising content I have already learned, not cramming. This means I can cement the knowledge I already have and brush up on areas that I have forgotten or need to improve.”

The power of curiosity

Jessica's advice to others considering study is to “Ensure that when you have chosen to study, it is a priority and not something that is neglected. If you are diligent and work hard, it will show in your results and in what you take away from the subject into the workplace and your broader life. Always be curious and don't be afraid to ask. If you are confused or have a different solution, ask why. You may learn something new or correct a misunderstanding.”


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