Tom O'Sullivan, CTA, Subject Convenor
A grounding in the fundamentals of Australian taxation law, with a practical emphasis
If you’re seeking to enhance your understanding of taxation, whether for local or international application, CTA1 Foundations is designed to address this need. This subject covers key concepts, principles, and compliance requirements relating to income tax, as the professional and ethical obligations outlined in the Tax Agent Services Act (TASA) 2009 CGT, GST, FBT.
Interactive webinars are presented by guest lecturers on their area of expertise over the 12–week study period. Each Study Period, this subject is also offered in Intensive mode enabling completion within 6 weeks rather than the standard 12. In this mode, candidates view pre–recorded webinars.
Individuals holding professional qualifications from Australian accounting bodies may be exempt from this subject within a program. Please get in touch to understand how you may obtain recognition for your prior learning.
Download the Information Pack to view the learning outcomes for each of the 8 modules within this subject.
Tom O'Sullivan, CTA, Subject Convenor