Tracey Greenaway

Tracey is an energy and natural resources Partner at Allens in Perth. She has extensive experience in the sector, with a particular focus on oil and gas, both in Australia and internationally. Tracey has advised on the development, financing and commercialisation of oil and gas projects in Europe, Australia (Northwest Shelf, Prelude and Ichthys), Libya, Oman, Nigeria, Russia and Qatar. She has particular expertise in the LNG sector having advised numerous buyers, sellers and also aggregators on a variety of LNG sales agreements. Before joining Allens in October 2012, Tracey spent eight years as a Senior In-house Counsel of Royal Dutch Shell, based in the Netherlands and Australia. Before joining Shell, she was part of Linklaters’ global project finance team, based in London and Bangkok, advising on the project financing of international energy and infrastructure projects.

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