Stephen Frost

Stephen is a Deputy President of the AAT, based in Sydney. He was first appointed to the AAT in 2006. From 1995 to 2008 he was a tax partner at KPMG. Prior to joining KPMG he worked in the ATO for 12 years, in Sydney and Canberra. He is a trained mediator and frequently conducts conciliation conferences and other ADR processes in the Tribunal. He has sat on several significant tax cases in the AAT that have gone on to the Federal Court and the High Court, including News Australia Holdings (income tax) and Qantas Airways, AP Group and Luxottica (GST). In 2010 he was appointed a judicial member of the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal (ADT) and became a Senior Member of the Civil and Administrative Tribunal of New South Wales (NCAT) on its creation in 2014.

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