Rob Kerin

Until entering Parliament in 1993 Rob Kerin was Managing Director of Kerin Agencies, a major Agribusiness in the State's Mid North. From 1995 Rob held various Ministerial portfolios, including Primary Industries, Mines and Energy, Regional development, State Development and Tourism. He was Deputy Premier from 1998-2001 and Premier 2001-2002. He was Opposition Leader 2002-2006 and on leaving Politics in 2008, Rob did restructures of the Regional Development Boards and SA Farmers Federation resulting in new structures. He also did a review of the harvest operations of Viterra. Rob is currently a member of the Economic Development Board (SA), and Chairs Primary Producers SA, Regional Development SA, Board Member of SANFL and Chairs or is a member of a number of other Boards and Committees. He is also Deputy Chair of Variety, the Childrens Charity.

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