Neil Mann

Neil is Deputy Commissioner at the ATO. He is the Chair of the ATO's Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) Market Committee that is responsible for developing the SME program of compliance activities from advice to enforcement across income tax, goods and services tax (GST), excise and superannuation obligations. Also as Deputy Commissioner, GST, Neil manages approximately 3200 staff who administer the GST system which collects over $30 billion each year. Prior to this role, Neil was the Deputy Commissioner, Small Business. He managed the administration of income tax and fringe benefits tax for small to medium enterprises and micro-businesses. Since 1997, Neil has been working with the small business sector in various senior roles. During this time he has led the ATO's cash economy initiative, overseen the implementation of a range of business tax reforms and contributed more broadly to the administration of the tax system for small business.
Current at 10 September 2004

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