Jeffrey Scott FTI

Jeffrey Scott is the Head of Product at ClearView Wealth Limited and has been in the financial services industry for 25 years. Jeffrey is a regular media commentator on the topics of insurance, taxation, superannuation and finance. He has conducted over 1,000 presentations across 11 countries, including the Million Dollar Round Table (2010, 2017). Jeffrey has lectured at the University of Technology, Sydney (in financial planning) and the University of New South Wales (ATAX) (in taxation). Jeffrey created the first terminal illness benefit for life insurance products in Australia, helped develop lump sum income protection benefits and introduced full replacement (100%) cover for loss of income. Jeffrey has the following qualifications: Certified Financial Planner, SMSF Specialist Adviser, Bachelor of Mathematics (U of Waterloo – Canada), Diploma of Financial Planning (Deakin/FPA), Master of Arts (UTS), Master of Education (UTS), Graduate Diploma in Advanced Taxation (UNSW), Master of Taxation Laws (UTS), and is currently completing his PhD in Taxation and Business Law (UNSW).

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