Marek Rucinski


Session details

Session 19.5: The numbers don’t lie – using data to tell the story on tax

Like it or not, in today’s world there is no escaping data. Getting to know it, what it means to you as a tax professional, and how it can inform your decision making, and practice, is crucial. This interactive session will examine data in two parts, from a big picture view to a nuts and bolts, everyday practice discussion including:

  • An analysis of big data, (ie the internet), using AI to provide a unique perspective on the ‘state of play’ of tax issues in Australia, through the lens of public sentiment. How is the profession perceived and does the data confirm whether tax policy, carbon tax or tax automation are the big issues we think they are ? and
  • How the ever-increasing volume of data being collated by taxpayers and advisers and provided to the ATO, is being used post-lodgement. How can taxpayers use this data, which often requires so much time and effort to collect, to create value and efficiency?

Speakers: Elisa Choy, Maven Data, Marek Rucinski, Australian Taxation Office