Dillon, Fiona


Session details

Session 4.1: Practical application and implications of Section 100A - Part 2

Speakers: Leanne Connor, CTA, WGC Business Advisors, Fiona Dillon, CTA, Australian Taxation Office Robyn Jacobson, CTA, The Tax Institute

The ATO’s final guidance on section 100A was released on 8 December 2022 and includes changes that incorporated feedback received during public consultation.

Using case studies, this practical session will cover:

  • Where we’ve landed on section 100A, more than two year-ends on from the release of the ATO’s initial draft guidance in early 2022
  • Falling between the zones — when your clients’ arrangements differ from the ATO examples
  • Loans, gifts and undrawn amounts by family members — what is needed to demonstrate the beneficiary’s entitlement has been extinguished for their own benefit?
  • What supporting documentation is required to explain the transactions that have happened and what is the risk of trustees recording too much?